Stress is nothing but mental tension or anxiety which is caused by the work at hand. This happens when one is not able to deal with that work. For example, a student who has no aptitude for a subject is compelled to take it up either because of parental pressure or because of pressure from peer groups or due to the perceived importance of the subject itself. When he or she finds it difficult to cope with it and wants a change the external pressures deny him or her such a change. This situation leads to stress. No work is done well when one’s mind is under stress. This inability to do well leads to diffidence. Gradually this diffidence leads to a feeling of inferiority. Persons with such inferiority complex isolate themselves and succumb to stress. This leads to inefficiency, loss of interest and above all to a total breakdownphysical, mental, emotional and moral.
Therefore, the moment one notices that one is stressed, that is, one is not able to
cope with work, studies, problems etc. the first step one should take is to find out
the cause of the problem with a calm and cool mind. One should take a break and
allocate time to analyse where one went wrong. If one is not able to do this on his
or her own, one should not hesitate to get the help of someone who can help. One
should be open-minded and honest about one’s weaknesses and deficiencies. It is
better to share a problem and find a solution to it than struggle without results and
feel miserable.
To see that pressure or tension does not build up and haunt a person, one should
programme one’s work. One should take up a task which is within one’s capacity
and find out an easy way to accomplish one’s goal. This can be achieved if one has
a calm and balanced mind and lots of patience. One must, first complete the task
which one finds comparatively easier to do. This will promote self-confidence.
Development of self-confidence leads to an improved perspective. This enables
one to deal with more difficult problems and solve them. One will then find that
there is no problem without a solution. With this realization, stress will automatically
Another reason that causes stress in today’s world is an urge to reach the top and
be successful. This rat race is often prompted by greed and jealousy rather than
by an estimation of one’s own abilities. If ambition is not supported or
complemented by suitable ability or capacity it leads to failure thus creating negative
feelings and undesirable attitudes. When things do not happen as one wishes,
anger takes over. An angry person cannot take right actions. Often actions taken
in a fit of anger lead to clashes, quarrels and disputes which cause problems not
only to the individual but to his family and friends also.
Change of work now and then makes one feel refreshed. It is here that hobbies
play a very important role in shaping one’s personality. A long stint of mental work
should be followed by some physical work which will reduce the pressure on
mind and improve one’s mental efficiency. Listening to music which one likes,
taking a long walk in congenial environment and pursuing a hobby of one’s choice
are some of the easier and simpler means to avoid the evil effects of stress.
Removal of stress by itself will not lead to unqualified success unless there is
efficient utilization of time at one’s disposal. In an extremely competitive world,
one who manages one’s time efficiently scores over others who don’t. We should
understand that time is precious and valuable and we should be discreet in its use.
So, making the best use of time available to us is known as time management. And
how does one do it? Get into the habit of making a time plan. A time plan is an
advance plan of all the activities to be performed in the allotted time. This is how
you can prepare a time plan.
• List all activities to be performed at a certain time, e.g.:- in the morning –
preparing breakfast, going to work etc.
• Underline all activities which need to be done at a definite time, e.g.:- reaching
office on time or dropping a child at the bus stop.
• Make an estimate of the time required for various activities, e.g.: cooking –
40 minutes, studying – 1 hour etc.
• Arrange the activities in the sequence in which they need to be done.
• Keep in mind the schedule of other family members and make necessary
adjustments as and when required.
• Once you have listed out your priorities write them down. This is your time
However you should remember the following points while making your time plan-
• There should be enough time for rest and entertainment.
• The plan should be practical, feasible and realistic.
All great men who achieved greatness and glory were people who were aware of
the value of time. Time was precious to them. When others were idling away and
wasting their time, great men put it to good use to meet the challenges of life and
achieve success. It follows therefore, that one should have a programme and a
schedule for it so that the objectives are achieved. Such programmes should be in
conformity with one’s skills and mental and physical capacities. It is only then that
one will be free from stress or tension.
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